Data Retention Policy

The data protection legislation states that personal data should not be held longer than necessary. In order to comply with this act, Claims Portal Limited (CPL) will routinely archive and destroy any information that is no longer required.

Click on the link below to download a full copy of the policy.

Data Retention Policy

Claims Portal users are reminded of their own obligation to comply with Data Protection rules, as set out in the Claims Portal User Agreement, and therefore must also ensure they routinely remove claims from the Portal that are no longer required.

Once deleted from the Claims Portal it is not possible to reinstate a claim or retrieve any claims related documentation.

It is important to remember that the Claims Portal is not a case management system and that every organisation must keep their own audit trails of all claims submitted or received.  You must also ensure you print or save printable documentation at every stage of the claims process.

Claims Portal will identify and delete claims on a daily basis according to rules set in the system.


Settled claims

Settled claims are deleted after 30 calendar days. This includes claims reaching the following phases:

  • Stage2SettlementPackConfirmationEnd
  • Stage2SettlementPackAgreedEnd
  • Stage2SettlementPackAllDamagesAgreedEnd


Inactive Claims

With the exception of claims that involve children, claims that are in the following application status that have been inactive for a period of time will be deleted.

A claim will be identified as involving a child and it will not be deleted if the current date minus the claimant’s date of birth means the claimant is less than 18 years old.

Note: If a child becomes of age during the life of a claim it will follow the process flow of an adult claim, meaning the data retention rules below will apply.

Last update made   Claims Phase
More than 30 days ago   Fraud stated
More than 60 days ago                                Claims Rejected to CR (Claimant Representative)
More than 90 days ago   Claims Data Input/Edit (drafts created, but not sent to a compensator)
More than 365 days (1 year) ago     Court Proceedings Pack Form
    Court Proceeding Pack Form Response
    Stage 2 Settlement Pack Additional Damages Decision CR
    Stage 2 Settlement Pack Additional Damages Request
    Stage 2 Settlement Pack Agreed CR
    Stage 2 Settlement Pack All Damages Agreed
    Stage 2 Settlement Pack All Damages Agreed CR
    Stage 2 Settlement Pack Counter Offer
    Stage 2 Settlement Pack Counter Offer Decision
    Stage 2 Settlement Pack No Damages Agreed
    Stage 2 Settlement Pack No Damages Agreed CR
    Stage 2 Settlement Pack Not Agreed CR
    Stage 2 Settlement Pack Original Damages Not Agreed
    Start S2SP Additional Damages
    Stage 2 Settlement Pack Additional Damages Timeout    
        Stage 2 Settlement Pack Agreement Decision


The following claims will be deleted based on their CNF sent date. If the current date minus the CNF send date means the claim has been in the portal for more than 5 years, then the claim will be deleted.

More than 1825 days (5 years) ago   Acceptance of Partial Interim Payment
    Decision of Partial Interim Payment
    Interim Settlement Pack Form
    Interim Settlement Pack Rejected
    Liability Admitted
    Liability Admitted with Negligence
    Stage 2 Settlement Pack Form
    Start of Stage 2.1
    Waiting for Interim Payment
    Interim Payment Decision
    Interim Payment Decision Timeout



Claims that are in the following application status will be automatically acknowledged after 30 calendar days.

  • Liability Decision Timeout
  • Liability Not Admitted
  • Stage 2 Settlement Pack Repudiation
  • Stage 2 Settlement Pack Confirmation
  • Stage 2 Settlement Pack Agreed
  • Stage 2 Settlement Pack Decision Timeout
  • End of Stage 2
  • Exit Process

These claims (apart from ‘End of Stage 2’) will fall into the standard housekeeping activities and will be archived and deleted after a further 30 days. Where the user has manually acknowledged the end of the process, the claim will be archived and deleted after 30 days from the time the user pressed the Continue button.


End of Stage 2 (Court Proceedings Pack)

Claims that reach ‘End of Stage 2 End’ (a Court Proceedings Pack has been created) will be kept for 12 months in the archive section of the Admin Console. The claim and its attachments will be available to authorised users. For instructions click here.

For web users of the Portal the status of a claim can be found by using the Search function.

Log in to your account and select Search from the blue menu bar.


Enter the Application ID (without the leading zeros) and clear the Application start date "From" field then press Search. The application status of the claim is shown in the search results.

Application status interim payment decision