CRIF have released the following fixes in the Integration/Testing environment. Please download the new package here:
- The limit in the comments section for EL/PL claims has been increased from 1,000 characters to the usual 5,000 characters.
- A2A and web users will now be able to resubmit claims that were created as Release 5 claims but were rejected by the Compensator after the deployment of Release 6.
The following changes have been made:
- Updated EL/PL schema
- Added new minor version for EL/PL: v6.1
- Added new versions for the following EL/PL functionalities:
-  ‘AddClaim’: v1.5 (Claimant Representatives)
-  ‘ResendRejectedClaim’: v1.4 (Claimant Representatives)
-  ‘GetClaim’: v1.4 (Claimant Representatives and Compensators)
Please note that if the Claimant Representative and the Compensator don’t use version 6.1 of the EL/PL process they will still be able to submit, resend and retrieve claims, however they will receive an error if the comments exceed 1,000 characters.
New Release 6 version numbers (Integration/Testing) – A2A Users
The new version numbers for Release 6 are as follows:
- Integration:
- RTA: 8.0
- EL/PL: 6.1
Tim Wallis
Chair, Claims Portal Ltd