In order to enhance the Stage 2 Settlement pack negotiation functionality in the Web User Interface, Claims Portal have introduced a number of changes to this area of the Portal. The enhancements should provide more clarity to Users on the amount of the offer they are sending and accepting. In order to deploy the changes in the production site it will be necessary to take the Portal offline on Sunday 19 July 2020 between 08:00 and 14:00. Please note these changes do not impact A2A and will be also applied on the training site.
The changes below will be immediately effective for both new claims and existing after deployment to production on Sunday 19 July 2020.
New Confirmation Message
To ensure Users are aware of the offer they are sending the other party at negotiation of a Stage 2 Settlement Pack, a new message will appear on both processes RTA and ELPL, when the user clicks on send. The new message will state:
You are responding with a Gross Amount (£) of x. If this is incorrect, press Cancel and amend the Gross amount (Global offer) or change the decision. To proceed, click OK.
The message will appear at each point where the Claimant Representative or Compensator submits or accepts a Counter offer, excluding the initial offer.
Removal of existing warning message
Please note the existing message below has been removed and replaced with the new message.
Accepting a counter offer
When a Claimant Representative is considering a counter offer, when the Claimant Representative clicks on the button “No New counter offer” in the phase Stage 2 Settlement Pack counter offer decision and reaches the phase Stage 2 Settlement Pack agreement decision please note the following changes.
- If the Claimant Representative selects Agreement reached = YES, a confirmation message will be displayed with the amount.
- If the Claimant Representative selects Agreement reached = NO, a confirmation message will not be displayed.
These changes also apply to a counter offer with additional damages.
The changes below will only apply to new claims raised in the Portal after deployment on 19 July 2020.
Tick box agreeing in Stage 2 Settlement Pack negotiation phase
To ensure Users are aware of the Gross Amount they are agreeing to in the Stage 2 Settlement Pack negotiation phase, a new tick box has been introduced which states ‘I confirm that I have checked the Gross amount (Global offer) (£) and agree that this is the offer I wish to send’. This tick box will be positioned after the Gross Amount field and will be mandatory to click before sending the settlement proposal. Additionally, confirmation details are printed to the right of the Gross amount (Global offer) in the PDF.
CR accepting a counter offer
When the CR clicks on the button “No New counter offer” in the phase Stage 2 Settlement Pack counter offer decision and reaches the phase Stage 2 Settlement Pack agreement decision as below, the Confirmation tick box will only be shown if agreement is reached and the PDF will be updated to reflect this. Agreement reached = YES: tick box; PDF generated with confirmation details
Please note the same logic applies to claims with additional damages.
We apologise for any inconvenience caused as a result of production being unavailable for a short time on Sunday.
Tim Wallis
Claims Portal, Chair